Booking Your Cruise
Please feel under no obligation when inquiring about booking availability.
When you have chosen the cruise you want from our Cruising Schedule please ring, or email us to check that the cruise/cabin you require is available.
Bookings will be accepted by telephone, but we must receive written confirmation within 14 days.
When we have confirmed availability, you need to send a completed booking form with your deposit to the address below:
Takara Hotel Boat , C/o 12 Lovell Close, Covingham, Swindon, SN3 5BT , England.
Cabins are booked on a first come-first served basis.
To make a Booking:
- Please send a deposit of £200 per person for bookings, with the balance due a minimum of 8 weeks before the start date of the cruise.
- On Overseas bookings, the whole amount is due at the time of booking.