We have limited storage so a soft holdall-type bag is best, no hard cases please. Dress is very informal, comfortable clothes, including walking boots or shoes, sun hat and sunglasses and waterproofs, and a torch should be included. Other recommended items are a pair of binoculars, if you have them, and a camera if you would like. All towels, soap and bedding are provided. We also have a varied selection of books and games on board for your pleasure.
Yes, 240-volt sockets available in all cabins.
Sorry we do not carry any pets. We are unable to accept bikes due to limited storage space. We cannot accept bookings which include children under 14 years of age, unless it is part of a booking by one individual for the full boat charter. No smoking is permitted on board the boat. For safety reasons and emergency you must be able to walk 20ft and climb up 6 steps unaided.
Detailed joining instructions and a map will be sent with your final invoice.
Please give us a contact telephone number in the week prior to your arrival just in case we have any last minute problems to report.
On arrival, you can have your cabin any time after 4:00pm. If you wish to explore the area before, then it is often possible to drop off your bags earlier by prior arrangement.
Evening meal will be served at 6:30/7:30pm.
We will not normally move off until the next morning.
We will normally depart by 10:00am. Often bags can be held on board to be collected later in the day, if you wish to take more time at our final destination, by prior arrangement.
Takara Hotel Boat welcomes guests with some physical disabilities, but you must for safety reasons and emergency be able to walk 20ft and climb up 6 steps unaided. All facilities are within a few yards. You can join in by just sitting and watching the scenery passing you by.
Sorry we cannot accommodate wheel chairs etc. on the boat although there is always a wall close enough for support, along with the crew here to help.
We are sorry but we cannot offer assistance with dressing or toilets/showering. If you need some specific requirements please contact us.
However no one will rush you, you can do things slowly at your own pace.
If you are uncertain, please phone us to discuss your requirements. It should be possible to arrange for you to come and have a look over the boat to settle any questions before you book.
Breakfast will be served at 8:00am - cereals, toast and a choice of cooked breakfast.
We normally move off between 9:00am and 10:00am. You can choose to ride and watch the scenery passing you by, help with the locks, or you can even just walk along the towpath. The choice is yours, it's your holiday!
Between 12:00pm and 1:30pm, we will moor for a light lunch and fresh fruit to follow. You may also have time to explore the area around the boat.
In the afternoon, we will continue on our way or perhaps give you the chance to explore a museum, stately home or castle near our route.
We moor up for the evening around 3:00pm to 4:00pm approximately to give you the chance to explore the area, or have a quick nap!
At 6:30pm/7:30pm our evening meal is served.
Sample Menu
Roast Pork with apple sauce, followed by hot apple pie with rich vanilla custard, finishing off with coffee and mints.
In the evening, you may want go to the local pub, sit and read or even have a game of cards/dominoes, the choice is yours.
The difficulty is in describing a typical day since life on the canals and rivers is so varied. You will not find boredom a problem, but neither will you have to rush around.
There is a cash bar which will be payable at the end of your holiday. Not Included in the Price - Our prices do not include:
Because of restricted space, unfortunately we cannot offer you a choice of menu, so we ask you on the booking form to list any dietary requirements and any foods you strongly dislike. We will not accept the booking unless we are sure we can cope.
Takara Hotel Boat Limited
Company Reg No 14219371
c/o 136 Hall Street,
Greater Manchester